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64. (I) At any time not .more than three months before the
expiration of the last registration of a trade mark, any person may
leave at the office a fee for the renewal of the registration of the mark
in form TM 10, and, if he is not the registered proprietor, shall sign
a statement on the form that he is directed by the registered proprietor
to pay the fee (if such be the case) and shall give his address.

Renewal of

(2) Before taking any further step, the Registrar may either:---­
(a)	 require the' person leaving the fee to furnish within ten days

an authority to pay the fee signed by the registered proprietor,
and if he does not furnish that authority may return the fee
and treat it as not received; or

with the registered proprietor stating tbat the 'fee
has been received and that the registration will in due course
be renewed,

(b) communicate

65. At a date not less than one month and not more than two
months before the expiration of the last registration of a mark, if no
fee i~ form TM 10 has been received, the Registrar shall notify the.
registered proprietor in writing of the approaching expiration,

Notice before
removal of
trade mark
from register.

66. At a time not less than fourteen days and not -rnore than one
month before the expiration of the last registration of a mark, the
Registrar may, if no renewal fee has been received, send a notice
in writing to the registered proprietor at his trade or business address
as well as at his address for service, if any..

Second notice.

67. If at the date of the expiration of {he last registration of a
mark the renewal fee has not been paid, the Registrar shall advertise
the fact forthwith in the Gazette, and if within one month of that
advertisement the renewal fee in form TM 10, together with an addi­
tional fee in Form TM II, is received, he may renew the registration
without removing the mark from the register.

Ad vertiserne n t

68. Where, at the expiration of one month from the advertisement
under rule 67, the fees therein mentioned have not been paid,
the Registrar may remove the mark from the register as of the
date of the' expiration of the last registration, but may, upon payment
of the renewal fee in form TM 10 together with a restoration fee in
form TM 12, restore the mark to the register if satisfied that it is just
so to do, and upon such conditions as he may think fit to impose.

Removal of
trade mark
from register.


69. Where a trade mark has been removed from the register,
the Registrar shall cause to be entered in the register a record of the
removal and of the cause thereof.

Record of
removal of

70. Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal of a registration,
a notice to that effect shall be sent to the registered proprietor and the
renewal or restoration and renewal shall be advertised in the Gazette.

Notice and
of renewal and

Assignments and Transmissions
71. Where a person becomes entitled by assignment or transmis­
sion to a registered trade mark, he may, conjointly with the registered
proprietor, make application to the Registrar in form TM 14 to register
his title.

Joint applica­
tion for entry of
assignment or

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