[ 13th March]



to Official Gazette

of Teltxonll:lllnieation
Service Fund

28. ( 1) There shall be a fund wh ich shall be caBed the Telecom-,

munication Universal Service Fund (in this Act referred to as "the'
(2) The Minister shall be responsible for the administration
of the Fund.
(3) Every holder of a telecommunication service licence
shall pay a contribution to the Fund at such rate and at such times
as may be prescribed.
(4) The Minister may. from time to time, payout of the Fund
to any holder of a telecommunication service licence such S6111 'of
money as the Minister may deem fit and necessary for the purpose
of assisting such holder to extend the service or any part of it to
areas and communities which are in need of the service.
(5) The accounts ofthe Fund shal] be aud ited an'nually b)/the
Auditor General .

29. Every person who-

Licensee's dUly
to ensure sal'<:t\'
of consumer~ .. :


provides a broadcasting service ora telecomm~nication service;


operates a transmission faci Iity or a telecommunication facility;


supplies terminal equipment or radio equipment:


undertakes th~maintenance
or repair of broadcasting or telecommunication equipment.




shall, in doing so, ensure that consumers and users of the service.
system or equipment do not suffer injury or damage.
30. (I) A person who desires to connect his telecommunication
network, ,system or equipment to the network, system or equipment as the case may I::\e, of another person, shall seek the consent

in terClll1lleet;,


Select target paragraph3