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(3) The Registrar shall not be bound to recognise as such
agent any person who has been proved to him to have been
guilty of conduct discreditable to a trade mark agent or who
has been convicted criminally or whose name has been struck
off the Roll of Legal Practitioners or (during the term of his
suspension) any person who has been suspended from acting
as a legal practitioner.
Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 17)
trade marks,
Arms of
Nigeria. etc,
Arms of a
city. etc.
17. (l) The Registrar may refuse to accept any application
for the registration of a mark upon which any of the following
appear(a) the words "Patent", "Patented", "Registered",
"Registered Design", "Copyright", "To counterfeit
this is a forgery",' o-r words to the like effect;
(b) the words "Red Cross" or "Geneva Cross" and representations of the Geneva and other crosses in red, or of
the Swiss Federal cross in white on a red ground, or in
silver on a red ground or such representations in a
similar colour or colours.
(2) Where there appears in a trade mark the registration of
which is applied for a representation of a cross in any colour,
not being one of those mentioned in the last foregoing subparagraph, the Registrar may require the applicant as a
condi tion of acceptance to undertake not to use the' cross
device in red or in white on a red ground or in silver on a red
ground or in any similar colour or colours.
18. The following features may not appear on trade marks
the registration of which is applied for(a) representations of the Arms of Nigeria or the Arms of
a State (or arms so closely resembling the same as to be
likely to be mistaken for them);
(b) representations of the National Flag;
(c) any words such as "President", "Governor," or any
letters or devices if used in such a manner as to be likely
to lead persons to think that the applicant is or has been
employed by or supplies goods to the President or the
Governor of a State in his official capacity, whether or
not such be the case.
19. Where a representation of the armorial bearings,
insignia orders of chivalry, decorations or flags of any State,
city, town, place, society, body corporate, institution or
person appears on a mark, the Registrar before proceeding to
register the mark, shall, ifhe so requires, be furnished with a
consent to theregistration and use o.fsuch emblems from such
official" or other person as appears to. the Registrar to be
entitled to give consent, and in default of such consent he may
refuse to register the mark: