Translated from French
If the Chairman is absent, the Governing Board shall appoint a presiding officer from
among its members.
Decisions shall be taken by a majority of the members present or with valid
representation; such majority shall be recorded in the minutes entered in a special
register and signed by the presiding officer.
In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have the deciding vote.
Article 17 – The agenda for each meeting shall be drawn up by the Chairman of the
Governing Board on the basis of a proposal by the Director-General of the Office.
Notifications of meetings, together with the agenda, shall be issued at least eight days
before the date of the meeting, except in cases of emergency.
II – The general management
Article 18 – The Director-General shall be appointed by decree on the basis of a proposal
by the minister responsible for culture. His term of office shall be terminated in the same
The Director-General may not be an author, successor in title or assignee of works
of the mind.
Article 19 – The Director-General shall be responsible for the management and
administration of the Togolese Copyright Office under the supervision of the Governing
Board, which shall delegate to him all powers to that end. He shall be accountable to the
Board and the supervising authority.
Subject to the inalienability of buildings and fixed equipment provided by the State as an
endowment, the Director-General shall have the powers listed in the following
paragraphs, which are illustrative and non-exhaustive.
He shall take decisions on all purchases, rentals, exchanges and disposals of movable and
immovable property and on all withdrawals, transfers, concessions and disposals of the
Office's securities.
With the approval of the Governing Board and the supervising authority, he shall take
decisions, in line with and subject to the necessary administrative authorizations, on the
establishment of all societies or support for the establishment thereof.
With the approval of the Governing Board and the supervising authority, he shall take
shares in all business or societies established or to be established by subscription or other