CAP. 221




Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

[Rev. 2012]

conduct the broadcasting services with impartial attention to the
interests and susceptibilities of the different communities in Kenya;
ensure the observation of standards of broadcasting and commercial
provide facilities for commercial advertising and for the production of
commercial programmes at such fee or levy as the Corporation may
include in its sound and television programmes a daily service of
news, which shall be broadcast in English and Kiswahili and such
other languages as the Corporation may decide at such times as the
Corporation may determine;
keep a fair balance in all respects in the allocation of broadcasting
hours as between different political viewpoints;
in consultation with the Electoral Commission, during the campaign
period preceding any presidential, parliamentary or local government
election, allocate free air time to registered political parties
participating in the election to expound their policies.

(1A) In subsection (1)(j), the expression “campaign period” means the period
between the initiation of an election under the provisions of the relevant law
pertaining to the election and the eve of the polling day.
(2) Subject to this Act and for the purposes of subsection (1), the Corporation
shall have power to undertake all such activities as may appear to the Corporation
to be requisite, advantageous or convenient for it to carry on, for or in connection
with the discharge of its duties, and in particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing shall have power—
(a) to produce, manufacture, purchase or otherwise acquire, and sell
or otherwise dispose of films, gramophone and other mechanical
records, tapes, wires, perforated rolls or other contrivances by means
of which any words, visual images or ideas may be mechanically or
electronically produced, reproduced, represented or conveyed and
materials and apparatus for use in connection with the broadcasting
(b) to provide to and receive from other persons material to be broadcast;
(c) to organize, provide and subsidize public entertainment for broadcast
or for any connected purpose;
(d) to collect news and information in or from any part of the world and
in any manner that may be thought fit and to establish and subscribe
to news agencies;
(e) to establish offices and agencies in Kenya and elsewhere;
(f) to acquire by registration, purchase or otherwise copyrights in any
matter and any trade-marks and trade names and sell copyright
or use, exercise, develop and grant licences in furtherance of the
powers, duties and functions of the Corporation;
(g) to complete, publish, print and distribute, with or without charge,
matter that may be conducive to the performance of any of the duties
of the Corporation, or to enter into contract with any person for that

[Issue 1]

K3 - 8

Select target paragraph3