(2) No species of seed set out in the Second Schedule shall be offered
for sale unless it has been certified.
6. (1) No seed shall be certified unless it has been produced inspected, Certification of
sampled, tested and complies with the standards set out in the Fourth
(2) Seed shall be certified in six classes as set out in the Third Schedule:
Provided that a seed lot may be down-graded on the request of the
(3) Only cultivars which have been approved by the Certifying
Authority shall be eligible for certification.
(4) Any crop which contains noxious weeds or noxious ergots shall not
be eligible for certification.
(5) Breeders shall maintain the standards of cultivars approved under
sub-regulation (3).
7. Seeds whose quality conforms to the standards set out in the Fifth
Schedule shall have its quality declared as such.

Declaration of
seed quality

8. (1) An application for registration as a seed grower shall be made in Registration as
Form I as set out in the Seventh Schedule.
seed grower
(2) Each application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and
shall refer to the growing of one crop only.
(3) An application shall not be approved in respect of land on which
during the preceding season other cultivars of the same crop or other too
closely related crops have been grown.
(4) On registration as a registered seed grower, the Certifying Authority

Select target paragraph3