Notification of
[CAP 171 A
8.(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette,
declare any place in Seychelles to be mfected or suspected of bemg
infected with a quarantine pest to be an infected area.
(2) A notice under subsection (I) may, for the purposes of
containing the spread of the quarantine pest -
(a) prescri he the me.sures for the treatment or ni'po •• 1
or both treatment and disposal of a plant material,
soil or associated packaging, whether infected or
not, found in thc infcctcd arca or of a convcyance
which has or suspected to have come into contact
with the quarantine pest or a plant material soil or
associated packaging which has been affected or
suspected of having been affected by a quarantine
(b) prohibit, restrict or otherwise specify measures for
controlling the removal of a quarantine pest or a
plant material, soil or aSSIlcialt;u packaging from an
infected area;
(c) provide that. within a period specified in the
Notice, any plant specified in the notice or
propagative material of that plant, shall not be
planted in an infeotcd nrca or place which was
declared an infected area.
Measures of
9. (1) Where the Minister has published a notice under section 7
and the Director is satisfied on reasonable ground that there is a
quarantine pest affecting a plant on or the soil of any land, the
Director, may, by notice served on the owner or occupier of the land
and any adjoining land, order the owner or occupier or both owner and
occupier of the land to perform, within the time specified in the notice,
such treatment and carry out such measures on the land or adJommg
land or in respect of any plant, whether it is infested or not by a
quarantine pest, for tbe purpose of eliminating, containing or
preventing the spread of a quarantine pest.
(2) Where under subsection (I) the Director does not know the
Identity of the owner or occupier of any land or the land is otherwise
not occupied by any person, the Director may affix the notice in a
conspicuous place on the land and the notice shall be deemed to have