A 646

1992 No. 72

National Agricultural See& Decree

(2) The Unit shall, before revoking any certification, give due notice
to any person likelv to be affected by such a revocation.
(3) A person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Unit under
subsection (1). of this section may appeal to such authority as may
by the Council within 30 days fro~m the date on which the decision is
communicated to him:

Provided that the appellate authority may entertain an appeal after the expiry.of
the said period of thirty days if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by
sufficient cause from filling the appeal in time.
(4) On reciept of an appeal under subsection (3) of this section. the
Council shall after giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard, dispose
of the appeal as expeditiously as possible.

(5) Every order of the appellant authority shall be final.
Genetic identity.

14.-(1) Every certification shall specify that the genetic identity of the
released variety is preserved through the various stages of multiplication of the

(2) The following categories of s d s of released varieties shall be
subject to s e d certitication, namely


(a) breeder seed;
(b) foundation d l i n b r e d lines: and

(c) certitied seed.
15. The Minister may by notification in the Gozetfe recognise any wed

Recognition of seed

certificaticm agencies certification agency established in any foreign country, for the purposes of this
of hrzign countries.


Importation or
exportation of

16.-( 1) An application to export or import seeds of a notified kind or
variety into Nigeria shall be! niadt: to the Unit and t h applicant
shall forward a
copy of such application to the Plant Quarantine Service.

S eerl samples meant for research purposes, d s intended
for export from or import into Nigeria shall carry the naccessary phytosanitory
certificates and viability tests result.
(3) Seeds imported into Nigeria shall in addition to identification as to
their origin be clearly labelled with analysis.

Select target paragraph3