PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:21

Section Two: Transitional Provisions
• Electoral commission

Article 228: High Electoral Committee, Presidential
Election Committee
The High Electoral Committee and the Presidential Election Committee existing at
the time this Constitution comes into force shall undertake the full supervision of the
first parliamentary and presidential elections following the date it came into effect.
The funds of the two committees revert to the National Electoral Commission, as
soon as the latter is formed.

Article 229: Election of the House of Representatives
The election of the House of Representatives following the date on which this
Constitution comes into effect shall take place in accordance with the provisions of
Article 102.
• Scheduling of elections

Article 230: Procedures for parliamentary and presidential
Procedures for the election of the President of the Republic or the House of
Representatives shall take place in the manner regulated by law, provided that they
begin within no less than 30 days and no more than 90 days of this Constitution
coming into effect.
In all cases, the next electoral procedures shall begin within a period not exceeding
six months as of the date the Constitution comes into effect.

Article 231: Beginning of the presidential term
The presidential term following the adoption of this Constitution begins as of the
date that the final result of the elections is announced.

Article 232: The interim president
The Interim President of the Republic continues to exercise the presidential powers
stipulated in the Constitution until the elected President of the Republic takes the
constitutional oath.

Article 233: Vacancy of the office of the interim president
If on account of a temporary impediment, the Interim President of the Republic is
rendered unable to exercise his powers, the Prime Minister acts in his place.
If the Interim Presidential office becomes vacant, due to resignation, death,
permanent inability to work or any other reason, the most senior Vice-President of
the Supreme Constitutional Court replaces him.

Article 234: Minister of defense
The Minister of Defense is appointed upon the approval of the Supreme Council of
the Armed Forces. The provisions of this article shall remain in force for two full
presidential terms starting from the date on which this Constitution comes into

Egypt 2014

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