• National flag
• National anthem

PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:21

Article 223: Flag
The national flag of the Arab Republic of Egypt consists of three colors black, white,
and red with the eagle of Saladin in golden yellow. The emblem, decorations, insignia,
seal and the national anthem are defined by law.
Desecration of the Egyptian flag is a crime punishable by law.

Article 224: Legal continuity
All of the provisions stipulated by laws and regulations prior to the proclamation of
this Constitution remain valid and in force. They may not be amended or repealed
except in accordance with the regulations and procedures prescribed in the
The state commits to issuing laws implementing the provisions of this Constitution.

Article 225: Publication of laws in the Official Gazette
Laws are published in the Official Gazette within 15 days from the date of their
issuance, to be effective 30 days from the day following the date of publication,
unless the law specifies a different date.
Provisions of the laws apply only from the date of their entry into force. However,
with the approval of a two-thirds majority of the members of House of
Representatives, provisions to the contrary may be made in articles pertaining to
non-criminal and non-tax-related matters.
• Constitution amendment procedure

Article 226: Amendment
The amendment of one or more of the Constitution articles may be requested by the
President of the Republic or one-fifth of the members of the House of
Representatives. The request specifies the articles to be amended and the reasons
for the amendments.
In all cases, the House of Representatives will debate the request within 30 days
from the date of its receipt. The House issues its decision to accept the request in
whole or in part by a majority of its members.
If the request is rejected, the same amendments may not be requested again before
the next legislative term.

• Referenda

If the amendment request is approved by the House, it discusses the text of the
articles to be amended within 60 days from the date of approval. If approved by a
two-thirds majority of the House’s members, the amendment is put to public
referendum within 30 days from the date of approval. The amendment is effective
from the date on which the referendum’s result and the approval of a valid majority
of the participants in the referendum are announced.

• Unamendable provisions

In all cases, texts pertaining to the principles of freedom and equality stipulated in
this Constitution may not be amended, unless the amendment brings more

Article 227: Constitution and Preamble
The Constitution and its preamble and texts are a well-knit fabric that is
non-divisible. Its provisions constitute one coherent unit.

Egypt 2014

Page 56

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