accordance with the methods prescribed and shall be transmitted to a seed analyst
within the time prescribed.
(3) The seed analyst to whom a sample has been transmitted in terms of this section
shall, as soon as possible, test, examine or analyse the sample delivered to him in
accordance with the prescribed methods and the result of the test, examination or
analysis shall be stated in a certificate in the prescribed form.
Importation of seed
(1) Subject to this Act, no person shall import seed into Zimbabwe unless—
such seed complies with the prescribed requirements; and
such seed is packed in a container which complies with the prescribed
requirements; and
the country of origin of such seed is shown on an invoice or delivery
note accompanying such seed.
(2) The Minister may grant exemption from the provisions of subsection (1) subject
to such conditions as he may determine in respect of seed which is imported—
for experimental purposes; or
for reproduction and export of the seed reproduced therefrom.
Sampling of imported seed
(1) Any officer in the Public Service authorized thereto by the Minister may take
samples of any seed imported into Zimbabwe.
(2) The provisions of section fifteen relating to the taking and transmitting of samples
and the testing, examination or analysis of samples taken shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, in respect of samples taken in terms of this section.
(3) If any test, examination or analysis of a sample taken in terms of this section
shows that any seed does not comply with the requirements of this Act, the Minister
order such seed—
to be destroyed without compensation; or
at the option of the importer, to be removed from Zimbabwe within a
specified period;
permit the disposal thereof in Zimbabwe on such conditions as he may
Requirements relating to seed exported
(1) Subject to this Act, no person shall export from Zimbabwe seed unless such
complies with the prescribed requirements; and
is packed in a container which complies with the prescribed
requirements; and
has been examined by an officer referred to in subsection (2).
(2) Any officer in the Public Service authorized thereto by the Minister may examine
and take samples of any seed intended for export.
(3) The provisions of section fifteen relating to the taking and transmitting of samples
and the testing, examination or analysis of samples taken shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, in respect of samples taken in terms of this section.
Publication or distribution of false advertisements concerning seed
(1) No person shall publish or distribute or cause or permit to be published or
distributed any false advertisement concerning seed.
(2) An advertisement concerning seed shall be deemed to be false if it describes any
seed as certified or approved unless such seed has been certified or approved upon
such conditions as may be prescribed:

Select target paragraph3