1. For packages containing manufactured cigarettes the following shall be the information:
' ............................ mgs tar
.............................. mgs nicotine
As per Government agreement method'.
2. The amount of tar and nicotine in the smoke of a cigarette shall, for the purposes of this Annexure, be
determined in accordance with the International Standards Organisation's methods ISO 4387:1991,
3308:1991, 7210:1983, 3402:1991, 8243:1991, 10315:1991, 3400:1989, 10362-1:1991, 10362-2:1994,
2971:1987, 6488:1981, 6565:1983.
3. The tests shall be carried out by the South African Bureau of Standards or at a laboratory nominated by
the Director-General, but in all respects at the expense of the manufacturer or importer.

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