Enforcement documents shall be sent to the authorities of the requesting State through the
same channel.
(3) In case of emergency, requests for judicial assistance from Cameroonian or foreign
authorities may be sent directly to the authorities of the requested State for enforcement. The
enforcement documents shall be dispatched to the relevant State authorities under the same
(4) Subject to international conventions, request for mutual judicial assistance from foreign
authorities to Cameroonian judicial authorities shall be subject to an opinion of foreign
Government concerned. Such opinion shall be forwarded to the relevant judicial authorities
through diplomatic channels.
(5) In case of emergency, requests for mutual judicial assistance from foreign judicial
authorities shall be forwarded to the State Counsel or Examining Magistrate with territorial
(6) Where the State Counsel receives a request for mutual judicial assistance directly from
authority, but which can only be enforced by the Examining Magistrate, he shall forward it to
the latter for enforcement or refer to the General Prosecutor in the case provided for in
section 94 below.
(7) Before proceeding to enforce a request for mutual assistance forwarded directly to him,
the Examining Magistrate shall immediately communicate same to the State Counsel for an
Section 92. (1) Requests for mutual judicial assistance from foreign judicial officers shall be
enforced by the State Counsel or Judicial Police Officers or Agents requested for this purpose
by the said State Counsel.
(2) The requests shall be enforced by the Examining Magistrate or Judicial Police officers
acting on the rogatory commission of the Examining Magistrate where they require certain
procedural measures which can be ordered or enforced only during a preliminary
Section 93 (1) Request for mutual judicial assistance from foreign judicial officers shall be
enforced in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Criminal Procedure Code.
(2) However, where the request for assistance so specifies, it shall be enforced in accordance
with the procedure explicitly indicated by the relevant authorities of the requesting State,
without such rules violating the rights of the parties or the procedural guarantees provided for
by the Criminal Procedure Code.
(3) Where the request for mutual assistance cannot be enforced in accordance with the
requirements of the requesting Sate, the relevant Cameroonian authorities shall immediately
inform the authorities of the requesting State of such impossibility and specify under what
conditions the request may be enforced.
(4) The relevant Cameroonian authorities and those of the requesting State may subsequently

Select target paragraph3