Any exercise of one or more of the activities referred to in Article 1 above without prior
authorization from the Moroccan Cinematographic Center shall be punishable by a fine of
DHS6,000 to DHS30,000.
In case of recidivism within five years following a prior sentencing which has become
irrevocable, the fine may be doubled.
Article 10
Failure of the authorized persons to justify the existence of the documents referred to in
Article 4 above, refusal to supply information, the provision of false information as well as
maneuvers to conceal the origin or purpose of videograms, or refusal to comply with the
control exercised by sworn agents from the Moroccan Cinematographic Center commissioned
for this purpose, shall be punishable by a fine of DHS5,000 to DHS20,000.
Article 11
Any person who exploits for commercial purposes videograms which do not bear the mark of
the certificate of the Moroccan Cinematographic Center or which are in a version other than
the one which was granted the certificate provided for in Article 5 above shall be punishable
by a fine of DHS10,000 to DHS100,000.
In the event that the content of these videograms is contrary to public morality, family order
or public order, the guilty party shall further be punishable by a prison sentence of one to six
Any person who produces videograms for the purpose of commercial exploitation without the
authorization to film referred to in Article 6 above shall also be liable to the penalties
provided for in this Article.
Article 12
Failure to display the authorization number provided for in Article 3 above shall be
punishable by a fine of DHS500.
Failure to notify the Director of the Moroccan Cinematographic Center of any change in one
or more of the various elements having given rise to authorization shall be punishable by a
fine of DHS500 and withdrawal of such authorization, or by only one of these two penalties.

Select target paragraph3