No. 13

,4ccess to Jr1fi;r1nation

\vhich is in the custody ot: or unde,r the t~ontro! of a public body or
a relevant private body to \vhich this /-\ct applies, in an expcdi1ious
and inexpensive 111an11cr
(_2) /\private body ~haU on reques1, rnake available inl()rniation in
its custod:y or controL which it ho!ds on a person vvho subn1its n
requi;st fi)f that infbrn1ation pursuant to this Act
6.-····~( l) Subject to the c:onstitution and an:,.' other \Vrltten h.t\v.
'vhen interpreting this i\Ct, the presu111ption that i:'tvours access to

infi_1rn1ation shall he pn:i\:rrcd to that restricting inforn1ation
(2.) '\uthing in th::, ,.\,;:1 ~;hnH be 1.>JnstrueJ n;.; lu11iting ur other\vist'

re:;1ricting nny either k'g1s!n1
bokl~T 10 di:.ckLc,c 11d\)nnatio1L
I f,\Ki

requiren1ent for an inforn1ation

( l\:CF\IC! Ii ~-Ji:c 111\ '\l\\1 F( llZ l\11'L!'\11,'<;"l,\'I !Cl~ OF 1\CCF>S


"lU ]'\J-()R!v1,\T!UT\



T"hc (


is hereby



oversee the

intplt.>nicll1'ltron nt' thi::. ;\ct

( ( 1!11111\"•!>''°

!\1vc;h >'i





have the


shaH, in pt~rfon1ling its oversight fun1:linn,

p\)\vcr to-..

(a) raise awnreness of the right of access [(> inforn11\tion a1nong
;ncn1bcrs of the public and o!ll\,~ia!s of ull infornu.ttion ho!dcrs:
(/l) advise ()U\-crnn1cnt and other institutions to \\']iich this /\ct

1c\ 011 nn:ncr:-, rc:Jatc;d !() the coordination tind the
1n1a1agcn1cnt l'f 1nf\1rn1ati,:n 1n 1hc c~u~1,idy nr under the c<Jntrol of


1nf\1n1i;1tJ(i11 l1(>ldcrs~

(c} n:vk''\, on app\ie:itF>n, decisions uf i11fonnn1k1n holders
\\ ith rcgard to reqncsts fur inforn1nlin and inake
1·eco111n1endatluns 10 thf: re!cvnnt 1nfon1'\il1ion hokier n;sulting
fi'orn np]Jlicn1 ions n1adc;

c:i) n1nhc rtC1)tn111(:ndntiuns 10 (j,)\crn1ncnt
ch:-clnssifl..:ation pt' infurniatlon \\hich is C:-Aen1p1 fron1




enable ;1cccs> [;"1 1hn1 inf~;rn1u1iu-n~

(c} rnake rt:conunendations to (lovernn1ent on n1atters relatcd
to the !ega! fran1C\\(;rk on acceCJs 1n infurn1ntion and legislation;
(f} pcrfunll such other functions ns an: confi.~rred upon thi:~
c:o1nn1ission by this 1\cl or any other la\v;
(g) give directions nf n genera! nature to all institutions to
\\hi ch this 1\ct appl
in connection \vi th the perfornnn~e of their
du1icCJ and obligations under this /\ct;

Select target paragraph3