No. 13
·'re\.'.ord" n1eans any recorded iuf\)nnntinn, ni any forn1at,
including an electronic fbrn1at in the possession or control or a
public body or relevant private bod:v. \vhetber or not that body
created it;
"n:!evant privatt· body'' rneans a body \vhich V\'Otild otht'T\vise
be a private body under this /\ct that
(o) \Vho!ly o:· pal'tinl!:,. 01vncd 1)r contruJk;d ur flnunccd,
dire.ct!; or indirect!)'. b:< public funds; or
out a st<il\dur; or pub!il:: funcAion or service, but
1Jnly tn th,: extent of such statuh,ry or pub!ic function or
service; nnd
'·1hird parry" in rc!a1iu11 tn a n::quest for acct'SS to
1nf'onnnlion.1nca11s 1111)· pers\111, n\hcr th;1n the person requesting
1hc record_
J, ----( l) T'his /\c1 shall :1pp!y 1u inforn1ation in HH: custod;; or
u11dc1· li1~· control c1f n11;. ini(:;rn1ation holder listed in !he Schedule
(2) ·rills ,\ct shaH not app!:-· to the fb!lo,ving
(a) C'abinet records nnd those \)fits co1ri1nittecs:
(h) court rcco1·ds pnor to conclusion of a n1at.t;:;r:
T'he (1bjec1s uf this /\ct are lO---(ul n\akl'· pro\·is\on for nccess 10 inf'onnat1nn rhat is he!d b;
111fonn:nlun ho!ders:
(h! c11;,\JJ\; that puhlic b\1dic:-; inforn1n1ion that the\'
hiild and provid~~ infi:)nr1atk111 in tine \vith the consiitution~I
principles tlfpubHc tn1st nnd goud
IJ.} pnl\.1dc: fnr a
ork !o fi1ctlill1!1.'
to 1ni(Jrn1ation
inf(innntiun ho!ders in cornp!ianec vvitli nny right
ti: the C.'nn\titu1iun and an\ oth"r In\\''.
\cf) pron1ote routine and svstt;niatlc inforrnution disclosure bv
inli_>rn1ation ho!dcrs basccl on cons1.!1utiona1 principles t;f
ncc:ountab\!il;/ aiid transparency;
(c) provide for the protection of persons \vho r~:!casc
ildl1rrnntion of rub!ic interest in good faith: nnd
(fl hicilitate civic eduen1ion un the righl to ac:cess inforniation
under this !\ct.
1) i\ person shall have the right to aecess infi)rn1ation, in so
fur as tllnt lnfc)rrnntion is re-quired f\lr tile exJ:rcise of his rights,