PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:22
legislation [concerning] medicine and the art of healing, preventive
medicine, notably hygiene, the public health and the protection of
mother and child, legislation on the profession of pharmacist, on
pharmaceutical commerce, on immigration and transit, bilateral and
international sanitary regulations, legislation on hygiene at work, the
technical coordination of medical laboratories and the distribution
[répartition] of doctors;
the electoral law;
legislation on the fabrication, the rectification, the importation, the
exportation and the selling of alcohol obtained by distillation;
legislation on the fabrication, the importation, the exportation, [and]
the selling of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;
legislation on the fabrication, the importation, the exportation [and]
the transit of materiel of war;
m. legislation on the artificial insemination of the human being, on the
manipulation of genetic information and on the transplantation of
human organs and tissues;
n. legislation on refugees, the expelled and displaced persons;
o. legislation on the admission to the medical professions and to the
other professions and activities.
Article 203
• Census
Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the following matters
are of the concurrent competence of the Central Power and the Provinces:
1. the implementation of the mechanisms of promotion and of protection of
the human rights and fundamental freedoms consecrated in this
2. the civil and customary rights;
3. statistics and census-taking;
4. domestic security;
5. the administration of courts and tribunals, jails and correctional facilities
[maisons] and prisons;
6. culture and sports life;
Congo (Democratic Republic of the) 2005 (rev. 2011)
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