• Economic plans

• State support for the disabled

PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:22

28. the historical patrimony, the public monuments and the parks declared of
national interest;
29. the meteorologic services and the technical coordination of the services of
surveying, of cartography and of hydrography;
30. the appointment and the assignment of the provincial inspectors of
primary, secondary, professional and special education;
31. statistics and census-taking of national interest;
32. national planning;
33. scientific and technological research;
34. the national development [directeurs] plans concerning the development of
basic infrastructure, notably the ports, the airports and the railway
35. the assistance for war veterans and [those] handicapped by war;
36. legislation concerning[,] notably;
a. the code of commerce, including insurance, the constitution and
approval [agrément] of companies;
b. the penal code and the prison regime;
c. the code of judicial organization and competence and the judicial code;
d. legislation on the liberal professions;
e. labor legislation including notably the laws governing the relations
between employers and workers, the security of workers, the rules
concerning social security and, in particular, the rules concerning social
insurance and involuntary unemployment;
f. economic legislation including the laws concerning mines, minerals and
mineral oils, the industry, the energy sources and the conservation of
natural resources;
g. legislation on the arts and trades;

Congo (Democratic Republic of the) 2005 (rev. 2011)

Page 55

Select target paragraph3