PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:22

10. the basis, rate and the modalities of collection of taxes of any nature, the
regime of issuance of currency;
11. the loans and financial obligations of the State;
12. the status of the career officers of the public services of the State, of the
personnel in higher education, university [education] and of scientific
13. the Armed Forces, the Police and the services of security;
14. the right to work and of social security;
15. the general organization of defense and of the National Police, the mode of
recruitment of the members of the Armed Forces and of the National
Police, the advancement, the rights and obligations of the military and of
the personnel of the police.

Article 123
Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the law determines
the fundamental principles concerning:
1. the free administration of the Provinces and the decentralized territorial
entities, of their competences and of their resources;
2. the creation of public enterprises, establishments and organs;
3. the regime of land, mining, forestry and real property;
4. mutual insurance systems and savings;
5. education and health;
6. the prison regime;
7. political and syndical pluralism;
8. the right to strike;
9. the organization of the media;
10. scientific and technological research;
11. the cooperative;
12. culture and the arts;

Congo (Democratic Republic of the) 2005 (rev. 2011)

Page 33

Select target paragraph3