• Secrecy of legislative votes

PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:22

Article 121
Each of the Chambers or the Congress only sit validly with the absolute majority of
its members assembled. Under reserve of the other provisions of the Constitution,
every resolution and every decision is taken in accordance with the Internal
Regulations of each Chamber or of the Congress.
The votes are cast either by roll call and audible voice [haute voix], or by raising the
hand, or by sitting and standing, either by secret paper ballot, or by electronic
procedure. On the whole text of a law, the vote takes place by roll call and audible
voice. The votes may equally be cast by a technical procedure providing more
Under reserve of the provisions of the Constitution, each of the Chambers or the
Congress may decide [on] secret voting for the adoption of a specific resolution.
However, in the case of deliberations concerning persons, the vote is effected by
secret ballot.

Section 3: Of the Relations Between the Executive Power
and the Legislative Power
Article 122
Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the law establishes
the rules concerning:
1. the civic rights and the fundamental guarantees granted to the citizens for
the exercise of the public freedoms;
2. the electoral regime;
3. public finances;
4. the requirements imposed by the national defense on citizens[,] on their
person and their assets;
5. nationality, the status and capacity of persons, the matrimonial regimes,
inheritance and donations;
6. the determination of the infractions and the penalties which are applicable
to them, the criminal procedure, the organization and the functioning of the
judicial power, the creation of new orders of jurisdiction, the status of the
magistrates, the juridical regime of the Superior Council of the
7. the organization of the Bar, judicial assistance and the representation in
8. commerce, the regime of property rights, and of civil and commercial

amnesty and extradition;

Congo (Democratic Republic of the) 2005 (rev. 2011)

Page 32

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