mark .', of any manufilctufef. , dealer Of ,t rader in Tt\tlpnyika.
unlesS there is added to ~t trade mark or, trade d~ription
,ilia ' conspicuousmal1ner .the Dame of the, country ' ja which such
goods were made or produced so as 'to in:dicat~ that they w~
,m ade or produced ill, that,,country.

. > tl~ ~e ~itii~t~rrl1ay. by drder p~blished , ihthe Gazette. prohi~it ~he
llnpOrtation mto Tanganyika for sale of goods ofal1y class or descnption
uIllesS either Ot', both of the following l"eqwrentents have been compliCki




(a' 'thtreare , ap@~ totlie goOdswbrds stati11g t:l~rly the coililtty
, 	 inwhleh-tliey were made or produced and such wOttls aft applied
in such manner as may be specified itt the ofdet or. if no maIitlet
is specified. in a conspicuous manner;
" (b) the ,goods bear such IUark as IUay be s~med , in the order and
,C'6ruOfni to such standard as ma.y be pte:scli~ in the order.

Powers of
entry and

12.-(i) It shaH be lawfulfor any inspector. on production of his
authority, or for any police officer of or above the ra,n k of Inspeetor, to
ent~r Without Warran~ and inspect any prem.jses ~ which ,he has ,reason
to believe that an ,offence against this Act has been or is about to be
cODlmitted. and therein to-­
(a) examine goods. 	and all books; accounts and clocUDlents relating
(b) 	take samples of any goods, and take copi~ of any book. account
or documen.t as aforesaid. or part thereof;
(c) seize. remove and detain any goods which he has reasonabl~ cause
to believe may afford evidence 9f an offence against this Act. and
any container. receptacle. book. account or document relating
(d) 	requ~ anyoccuwmt of suc~ premises to render such explanations
and give such. inforIUatiOQ. relating to any goods tb~rem as ~y
. 	 be reasonably req~ed by sueli inspector or officer in the
performance of bis duties.
(2) The! poWer to act under subsection (1) shall only be exerciSed
Without Warrant if the inspectOr or officer so aCtiDg hasteas-onable cause
to beli~ that the delay oceasiOneti ih obtaining astaroh 'Warrant wo111<4:
seriously hinder him in the performance of his duties.
.(3) "Any person who obstructs. Of biiiders arf inspector 01' officer 'acdng
in pursuance :()fany of tbeprovisions :of this~01'1f1)fwJK>-·'Oftany
requisition ullder paragrapb (d) of subsectioQ. (1) wilfully withbold, any
· bif<>nbatiollorgiveS any information knoWihg or ba'vihg rea,sOO to
. .believe it to be false or misleading. shall be guilty ()f all ~~ands~U
be liable on conviction to a fine Jiot exC'eecling thtee tfloosand shillings or
loa .t:eml ofiQlJ?risor1m.eJit not exceeding three'moathBt or .tE> bOth such
fine and imprisoimient: .


any ,question
Provided that no person may be ,required 't o
theamwer to Which may tend to expOse him to an.y criminal charge.
pehalty 'o r. forfeiture.

Select target paragraph3