23.
false
statement
as
to
a
material
fact
in
writing,
knowing
it
to
be
false
and
with
intent
that
it
be
relied
upon
respecting
his
identity
or
that
of
any
other
person
or
his
financial
condition
or
that
of
any
other
person
for
the
purpose
of
procuring
the
issuance
of
a
card
or
other
instrument
to
himself
or
another
person
commits
an
offence
and
shall
be
liable
on
conviction
to
imprisonment
for
a
term
of
not
more
than
years
or
a
fine
of
not
more
than
N7,000,000.00
or
to
both
such
fine
and
imprisonment.
(1)
Any
person
who
intentionally
uses
any
computer
system
or
network
in
or
for-‐
(a)
producing
child
pornography;
(b)
offering
or
making
available
child
pornography;
(c)
distributing
or
transmitting
child
pornography;
(d)
procuring
child
pornography
for
oneself
or
for
another
person;
(e)
possessing
child
pornography
in
a
computer
system
or
on
a
computer-‐data
storage
medium:
commits
an
offence
under
this
Act
and
shall
be
liable
on
conviction
–
(i)
in
the
case
of
paragraphs
(a),
(b)
and
(c)
to
imprisonment
for
a
term
of
years
or
a
fine
of
not
more
than
N20,000,000.00
or
to
both
fine
and
imprisonment;
and
(ii)
in
the
case
of
paragraphs(d)
and
(e)
of
this
subsection,
to
imprisonment
for
a
term
of
not
more
than
years
or
a
fine
of
not
more
than
N10,000,000.00
or
to
both
such
fine
and
imprisonment.
(2)
Any
person
who
knowingly
makes
or
sends
other
pornographic
images
to
another
computer
by
way
of
unsolicited
distribution
shall
be
guilty
of
an
offence
and
upon
conviction
shall
be
sentenced
to
One
year
imprisonment
or
a
fine
of
Two
Hundred
and
Fifty
Thousand
Naira
or
both.
(3)
Any
person
who,
intentionally
proposes,
grooms
or
solicits,
through
any
computer
system
or
network,
to
meet
a
child
for
the
purpose
of:
(a)
engaging
in
sexual
activities
with
the
child;
(b)
engaging
in
sexual
activities
with
the
child
where
–
(i)
use
is
made
of
coercion,
inducement,
force
or
threats;
(ii)
abuse
is
made
of
a
recognized
position
of
trust,
authority
or
influence
over
the
child,
including
within
the
family;
or
Child
pornography
and
related
offences.