Electronic and Postal Communications (Consumer Protection) 
G.N. No. 427 (contd) 

Viambatanisho (kama vipo) (Attachment if available):
(c) ______________________________________
(d) ______________________________________
10. Mawasiliano mbadala (Other contacts): ____________________________
Nathibitisha kuwa maelezo niliyotoa hapo juu ni ukweli mtupu na ninatambua kuwa
nitawajibika endapo yakithibitika kuwa si kweli.
I conrm to the best of my knowledge that the information provided above is true and I
understand that I will be liable if proved to be untrue.
Sahihi ya Mlalamikaji au dole gumba (Complainants signature or thumb print):
Sahihi ya osa wa Mamlaka (Signature by TCRA o-cer): _________________________
Tarehe (Date): __________________Mahali (Place): ___________________________
Uthibitisho wa mlalamikiwa (Acknowledgement by defendant)
Jina (Name):
Cheo (Title):
Tarehe (Date): _______________________________________________________

Dar es Salaam
29th November., 2011


Minister for Communication,
Science and Technology


Select target paragraph3