Preliminary Objectives of the study
The study had a number of tasks, including the development of
market, cost and price models in collaboration with the main telecoms
operators in Kenya.
The overall objective of the study was to determine, through review of
the available institutional, regulatory and financial information and
through a costing exercise, the appropriate costs and prices of various
telecommunications services.
It covered mobile and fixed
telecommunications services in the country and the interconnection
envisaged therein.
The Due Process
The study adopted a participatory methodology, wherein all
telecommunications operators and other stakeholders were involved in
a transparent manner.
At the preliminary stage, the study involved literature review,
benchmarking, consultations, and written submissions to get views
from the operators.
A draft final report was presented to the stakeholders on 12th January
2007, upon which the operators were given time to make written
The Final Report of the study was submitted to Communications
Commission of Kenya on 16th February 2007.





As stated above, the study involved consultations with all operators at
every stage. The consultants were able to visit all relevant operators
for discussions and elaborations on all matters pertaining to the study
and the use of data that was submitted by the operators. The operators
were also given opportunities to comment on the consultant’s work.


Select target paragraph3