Act No. 4, 1999


[Definition of “business” inserted by Section 2(f) of Act No. 64 of 2002]
“channel” means a single defined programming service of a licensee other than
a video on demand service;
[Definition of “channel” substituted by Section 2(g) of Act No. 64 of 2002]
“commercial broadcasting service” means a broadcasting service operating
for profit or as part of a profit entity but excludes any broadcasting service
provided by a public broadcasting licensee;
“commercial service division” means the commercial service division of the
Corporation contemplated in section 9(l)(b);
[Definition of “commercial service division” inserted by Section 2(h) of Act No. 64 of
“common carrier” means a service for broadcasting signal distribution as
provided by Sentech Limited, 'established in terns of the Sentech Act, 1996;
“companies Act” means the Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973);
“community” includes a geographically founded community or any group of
persons or sector of the public having a specific, ascertainable common
“community broadcasting service” means a broadcasting service which (a) is fully controlled by a non-profit entity and carried on for non-profitable
purposes; '
(b) serves a particular community;
(c) encourages members of the community served by it or persons
associated with or promoting the interests of such community to
participate in the selection and provision of programmes to be broadcast
in the course of such broadcasting service; and
(d) may be funded by donations, grants, sponsorships or advertising or
membership fees, or by any combination of the aforementioned;
“Corporation” means the South African Broadcasting Corporation Limited
upon conversion of the old Corporation in terms of section 8A of this Act;
[Definition of “Corporation” substituted by Section 2(i) of Act No. 64 of 2002]
“date of conversion” means the date determined by the Minister by notice in
the Gazette, as stipulated in section 8A(l);
[Definition of “date of conversion” inserted by Section 2(j) of Act No. 64 of 2002]
“dealer” means a person who engages in the business of selling television sets"
[Definition of “dealer” inserted by Section 2(j( of Act No. 64 of 2002]
“Department” means the Department of Communications;
“direct to home broadcasting” …
[Definition of “direct to home broadcasting” deleted by Section 2(k) of Act No. 64 of
“due diligence report” means the due diligence report to be prepared by the
old Corporation in terms of section 8A(12)(a);

Select target paragraph3