Act No. 4, 1999


by 50% or more.
(d) A 20% shareholding in a
radio or television licence shall
be deemed to constitute control.
(e) The shareholding and
financial structures of
commercial Broadcasting
licensees will form part of the
annual reports submitted to the
19. Amendment of section 54 (a) by the substitution for
paragraphs (b) and (c) of
the following paragraphs:
"(b) in the case of a public
and a private sound
broadcasting licence, shall
be six years; [and]
(c) in the case of a
community sound or
television broadcasting
licence which is not a
temporary community
broadcasting licence within
the contemplation of
section 47A, shall be four
years [,]; and";
(b) by the insertion of the
following paragraph:
"(d) in the case of a low
power sound broadcasting
licence shall be such period
not exceeding three years
as the Authority may
20. Amendment of section 63
by the substitution for
subsections (2) and (3) of the
following subsections:
"(2) A complaint contemplated
in subsection (1) shall be [in
writing and shall be served on
the licensee concerned and be]
lodged with the Authority for
consideration by the
Broadcasting Monitoring and
complaints Committee.
(3) For the purposes of
(2), a complaint may be
by hand [or] sent by registered
[fax or telex] faxed, or
communicated telephonically to

Select target paragraph3