Act No. 4, 1999


subsection (5) within the
period specified under that
subsection, no application
may be amended or varied
and no supplementary or
additional documents may
be filed after the
~publication of the notice
under subsection (6),
except with the written
permission of the Authority
granted upon application
and upon such terms and
conditions as Council may
14. Insertion of the following
section after section 41:
"41A. (1) Notwithstanding the
provisions of sections 41,42, 44
and 47 the Authority may on
such terms and conditions as it
may determine, issue a licence
to provide a low power sound
broadcasting service.
(2) The Authority shall
prescribe the requirements and
procedures applicable to
applications for such licences. "
15. Amendment of section 42 (a) by the substitution for
subsection (1) of the
following subsection:
"(1) [In] Save as provided
in section 41A in respect of
[every application]
applications for [a]
broadcasting [licence]
licences received by the
Authority, a notice of
which has been published
under section 41(6), it shall
at its discretion hold a
hearing as provided for in
this section.";
(b) by the substitution for
paragraph (c) of subsection
(3) of the following
(c) the Authority, after having
[duly] considered the
application, the
representations (if any)
made in accordance with
the provisions of that
subsection, the applicant's

Select target paragraph3