Act No. 4, 1999


upon the day on which
candidates of any of the
political parties are declared
3. Amendment of section 2 by
the substitution for "private" to
"commercial", wherever it
4. Amendment of section 10 by
the substitution for subsection
(4) of the Following subsection:
(4) The quorum for any meeting
of the Council shall be four
councilors or a majority of the
total number of councillors
holding office at the time,
whichever is the greater.".
5. Substitution for section 13 of
following section:
"General powers and
functions of
13. (1) Without derogation from
the generality of the provisions
of section 3, the Authority shall.
in addition to powers conferred
upon it elsewhere in this Act. or
by any other law, have the
power (a) to administer the statutory
scheme for granting,
renewing and amending of
broadcasting licences;
(b) to manage broadcasting
services frequency bands
and other parts of the radio
frequency spectrum
properly delegated to it by
the Minister as outlined in
section 29 of this Act;
(c) to make regulations
consistent with section 2 of
the Broadcasting Act,
1998, as set out in section
78 of this Act;
(d) to design and implement
Broadcasting conditions of
licence consistent with the
objectives set out in section
2 of the Broadcasting Act.
1998. for different
categories of broadcasting
service, including, but not
limited to conditions

Select target paragraph3