Act No. 4, 1999


(iv) require a person who uses a television set, or a person who is the
owner or occupier of any premises on which a television set is used, to
furnish such information as may be prescribed or necessary in order to
determine whether this Act has been complied with;
(v) require a business, dealer or lessor to produce records relating to
transactions involving television sets for inspection, and make extracts
there from or copies thereof;
(vi) enter upon any land, in so far as this may be necessary, in order to
exercise a power conferred on him or her by this Act: Provided that
entry may not be gained to a residence after dark without a warrant or
the occupier's permission.
(7) A television licence is not transferable, save as may be prescribed.
(8) All television licence fees collected by the Corporation must be used by the
Corporation solely for the public service to be provided by the Corporation.
(9) To enable the Corporation to establish and maintain a national database
register listing all sales of new television sets in the Republic, dealers, lessors
and businesses must provide the Corporation with all information prescribed in
respect of sales of new television sets.
[Section 27 substituted by Section 22 of Act No. 64 of 2002]
Annual report
28. (1) The Board must furnish to the Minister, on or before 30 September in each
year, a report on the work of the Corporation of the previous financial year,
together with a balance sheet and a complete statement of revenue and
expenditure for that financial year audited by the auditor referred to in section
25, and the report of that auditor, and must give particulars as to(a) the book value of all classes of property owned by the Corporation;
(b) the amount of securities for loans still outstanding, and the interest
thereon, whether paid or unpaid;
(c) the position of every fund established in terms of this Act;
(d) the expenses of management and administration and all other expenses
of the Corporation;
(e) the erection and construction, repair, improvement or alteration of any
plant, equipment or building, and the cost thereof;
(f) the price or rent of any land or any other immovable property acquired
or hired;
(g) any other matters which the Minister may require the Board to deal with
(2) The Minister must table every report furnished in terms of subsection (1) in
Parliament, within seven days after receiving it if Parliament is in session, or, if
Parliament is not in session, within seven days after the commencement of its
next ensuing session.
(3) The Board must ensure that the Corporation complies with the provisions of
the Public Finance Management Act relating to the preparation and submission
of annual reports by public entities.
[Subsection (3) added by Section 23 of Act No. 64 of 2002]

Select target paragraph3