Act No. 4, 1999


(c) details of its financial policies governing internal transfer pricing
between the public service division, the commercial service division and
the shared group services of the Corporation.
(14) The Minister must submit a copy of the inventory referred to in subsection
13(a) to the National Treasury and the Auditor-General.
(15)(a) Any use by the public service division or the commercial service
division of any asset allocated to another division of the Corporation must be
accounted for in the respective financial records of the public service division
and commercial service division to ensure that such use took place on an arm's
length commercial basis.
(b) Any service rendered by or to the public service division or the commercial
service division to or by another division of the Corporation must be accounted
for in the respective financial records of the public service division and
commercial service division to ensure that such service was rendered on an
arm's length commercial basis.
[Section 8A inserted by Section 9 of Act No. 64 of 2002]

(1) The Corporation must consist of two separate operational divisions, namely(a) a public service division; and
(b) a commercial service division.
(2) The public and commercial service divisions must be separately
administered and a separate set of financial records and accounts are to be kept
in respect of each such division.
[Section 9 substituted by Section 10 of Act No. 64 of 2002]
Part 3: Public service

Public service
10. (1) The public service provided by the Corporation must (a) make services available to South Africans in all the official languages;
(b) reflect both the unity and diverse cultural and multilingual nature of
South Africa and all of its cultures and regions to audiences;
(c) strive to be of high quality in all of the languages served;
(d) provide significant news and public affairs programming which meets
the highest standards of journalism, as well as fair and unbiased
coverage, impartiality, balance and independence from government,
commercial and other interests;
(e) include significant amounts of educational programming, both
curriculum-based and informal educative topics from a wide range of
social, political and economic issues, including, but not limited to,
human rights, health, early childhood development, agriculture, culture,
religion , justice and commerce and contributing to a shared South
African consciousness and identity;
[Paragraph (e) substituted by Section 11(a) of Act No. 64 of 2002]
(f) enrich the cultural heritage of South Africa by providing support for
traditional and contemporary artistic expression;
(g) strive to offer a broad range of services targeting, particularly, children,
women, the youth and the disabled;

Select target paragraph3