Rights over genetic resources
The rights over Uganda’s genetic resources are vested in the Government of Uganda for the benefit of
her people.
Institutional Roles and Responsibilities
The roles identified herein are in line with the National Environment (Access to Genetic Resources
and Benefit Sharing) Regulations, 2005.
The National Environment Management Authority
NEMA is the principal agency in Uganda for management of the environment with specific mandate
to coordinate, monitor and supervise all activities in the field of environment management. In this
regard, it is charged with:
1. policy formulation – development of policies at the national level and giving overall guidance in
development of other policies that are relevant to Access to Genetic Resources (AGR). To
prepare, coordinate and carry out the national policy of access to genetic resources, with a view to
conserving the diversity and integrity of the resource and ensure equitable sharing of benefits
2. public awareness – ensuring that the public is aware about the need to sustainably manage the
genetic resources in Uganda in general and under these Guidelines specifically in the regulation of
access to and export of the country’s genetic resources and in the sharing of benefits derived from
3. capacity building (in collaboration with UNCST) - it is the role of NEMA and UNCST to ensure
that the capacity of all stakeholders, and in particular the local communities who own genetic
resources, is built to the required level to enable them offer PIC at an effective level and negotiate
material transfer agreements (Refer to Section 3.9.3).
4. enforcement and ensuring compliance with all environmental policy and legal requirements in
The Uganda National Council for Science and Technology
UNCST is established by an Act of Parliament, Cap. 209. It is the Competent Authority in accordance
with the Regulations. Its mandate as derived from this Act and from the Regulations is to:
1. advise on and coordinate the formulation of an explicit national policy on all fields of science and
2. assist in the rationalisation of the use of foreign science and technology;
3. work in close cooperation with and coordinate all scientific and technological activities of persons,
institutions, sectors and organisations;
4. act as a clearing house for information on research and experimental development taking place in
scientific institutions, centres and other enterprises and on the potential application of their results;
5. protect intellectual property through appropriate patent laws and operate a national patent office;
6. coordinate Lead Agency activities related to AGR;
7. monitor the use of genetic resources both within and transferred outside Uganda. Supervise and
control compliance with contractual conditions and provisions and accordingly establish such
monitoring and evaluation mechanisms as is deemed necessary
8. ensure Ugandans benefit from Uganda’s genetic resources when accessed
9. smoothen the progress of negotiating and concluding Accessory Agreements (AA) and Material
Transfer Agreements (MTA)
10. ensure agreements concluded contain sufficient provision for sharing benefits accruing from AGR
Guidelines for Access to Genetic Resources and Benefits Sharing