information and procedure for accessing the information referred to. Uganda has thus enacted the
Access to Information Act, 2005.
Uganda’s legal framework governing access to genetic resources and benefit sharing recognises the
salient principles enunciated under the CBD, CITES, TRIPs and other related instruments in this
regard. The Government of Uganda enacted the National Environment Act Cap 153, which under
section 44, requires the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), in consultation with
lead agencies, to issue Guidelines and prescribe measures for sustainable management and utilisation
of Uganda’s genetic resources. In line with this, Government put in place the National Environment
(Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations, 2005 (herein after referred to as the
Regulations in these Guidelines). The Regulations prescribe procedures for accessing Uganda’s
genetic resources. Regulation 8(c) gives NEMA the duty to develop, in collaboration with UNCST,
guidelines for access to, and export of genetic resources.
In fulfilment of Article 8(c) of the Regulations, these Guidelines have been developed to provide
procedures for management of access, benefit sharing and export of genetic resources from Uganda,
plus their products and derivatives for scientific research, commercial use, bio-prospecting,
conservation, industrial application and any other purposes connected therewith.
Uganda has enacted the Patents Act, Cap. 216, to regulate the granting, registration and protection of
patents in the country. The Act gives details for registering licence contracts, contracts assigning the
right to a patent and contracts assigning patents and patent applications. It also provides for patent
information services to the public and maintains links with users and potential users of patent
information. The Patents Act is relevant to access to genetic resources and their benefit sharing when
an applicant to access genetic resources wishes to register or claim ownership of the proprietary
interests in the genetic resources accessed and obtained from Uganda.
Guidelines for Access to Genetic Resources and Benefits Sharing