

a copy of any final decision rejecting the foregoing application
or refusing the grant requested in the foreign application

(b) The applicant shall. at the request of L',le Director General, furnish him
with a copy of any final decision invalidating the patent granted on the basis
l1f the foregoing application referred to in paragraph (a)

(3) Subsection (2)(a)li) and (iii) shall not apply in respect of information
relating to the examination of the same International application in another
elected office where the Industrial Property Registry isan elected Office in the
meaning of Section 21 (ii) and has received or will receive an international
preliminary examination report.
FilIng Date


15( I) The Director General shall accord as the filing date the date of receipt
of the application, provided that, at the time of receipt, the application

an express or implicit indication that the granting of a patent
is sought;


indications allowing the identity of the applicant to be


a pan which, on the face of it, appears to be a description of

(b) If the Director General finds that the application did not, at the time of
receipt, fulfill the requirements referred to in paragraph (a), he shaIJ invite the
applicant to file the required correction and shaIJ accord as the filing date the
date of receipt of the required correction, but if no correction is made, the
application shall be treated as if it had been filed.
(2) Where the application refers to drawings which in fact are not included
in the application, the Director General shall invite the applicant to furnish the
missing drawings. If the applicant complies with the said invitation, the
Director General shall accord as the filing date the date of receipt of the
missing drawings Otherwise, Director General shall accord as the filing date
the date of receipt of the application and shall treat any reference to the said
drawings as non-existent
(J) After according a filing date, the Director General shall examine
whether the application complies with the requirements of Section II (I) and
(2) and the Regulations pertaining thereto and those requirements of this Act
and the Regulations which are designated by the Regulations as formal
requirements for the purposes of this Act and whether information requested
under Section 14, if any, has been provided

(4) Where the Director General is of the opinion that the application
complies with the requirements indicated in subsection (3), the Director
General shall take a decision as to whether' the requirements of Section 8(2)
and (J), :1 I(n (4) and (5) and J 2 and the Regulations pertaining thereto are
fulfilied and for this purpose may, as provided for in the Regulations, cause
the application to be examined

Select target paragraph3