(4)(a) The: Il;!1ISllalll)llllt'illll~HI-; Shdll be tor a pellllO o t t cn ye~II' ['I'UI11 th'~
filing date Ot'\IIC ~Ippilcailull tor registration

(b) ,lhl: reglsllallUll Gr' a marl II\~IY, UpGl1 request. [I'; iCill'IVCd r'ul
consecuu.» perl\lll:; otien vcais. pruvided that the rcgl:;lclcl! UWIIl'! P~IYS till'
prescribed It'11C\\:tI ic'l'
(c) t\ pcmili ll['C!lilCC UI'SI\ 111ll11lhs sllall be ailowco ['Ulthe l.u« pd\'IIIl:lll
of the renewal rel: (Ill pavmcm of tl\(; prescribed surcharge

(5) A mark 111 respecl otwhich Liberia IS a designated State, rcgistm:d by

ARIPO by virtue

of the Banjul Protocol, shall have t:le same effect ill


as a mark registeled under this i\Ct, UIlIeSS the Registrar has communicated
to ARIPO, In respect of the application therefor, a decision, III accordance
with the provisions ofihe Protocol, that, ifa icgisuauon is II1Clde
that regis.r.uio.: shdll nave

Removal Oil



clicct III Liberia

44( I lea) Am uueresicd person mav rcques: the l\e!.;I,;\I111 to mvalid.uc tile
regisuauou 01 ~I II1~III,:

Grounds of

(b) The IZcgistrar shall invalidate the regisrrauon if the person
the invalidation pIIWe:S thai .mv o l tilt: rcquucnu.nt : 01' Se:l:lII)IIS

40(2) is 11:,1 llJilillecl
(c) Any invalidation of a registration of a mark shall be deemed II' h:IVl:
been effective as or the date of registration, and it shall be rccorder 11Ile! Il
reference thereto published :IS SUO!1 as possible

(2) Any interested persou

1l1~IY I'CCjUC:St

the Registrar tu remove iI 11IIuk :'r;1111

the Register, ill respect of any otthe goods or SCIVle:CS'11l respect ufwlll'-.:h II
is registered, 011 the ground that lip toone: month prior to tiling the re:qlll':'! tilC
mark had,llln Its rcgisuatio», IIOt been used hy the registered lIWllCI 01 II
licensee Ourl:lg II contiuuous period of three yelHs or lonuer, provided ::::I! :1

mark shall not be removed ili: IS shllwn thllt special "ilulll1sulllce':
the use ofthe IllIII'\.; ami thilt ihcre was no intention not J() lise (II J() Ilhdl'c!Oil
the same in

Collective Marks


of those gouds 01


45,(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), Sections 40 to 4'1 shall appiv \()
collective marks, except that references therein to Section 39(i) shall be read
as 39(ii)
(:!)(a) An ~lppIICIIIIUII IllI' reglst rauon of II collective 1IIIIrk shall deslgllllle I ill'
mark as [ collective mark and shall he accompanied by II COpy of 'Ile
regulations guve1l11l1g the USe oti he collections
(b) The reglstneci owner


collective mark shall notdj lhl; l\e.;gistral


any changes made in respect or the regulations referred to ill pill'lIgIliph CI)

(3) III addirion to the grounds provided ill Sccuon c14( I), the Rcgistr.u sheil]
invalidate the reglsllilllOl1 of a collective mark if the person reCjui.Osting rLe
invalidation proves


(111)' the registered owner uses

rhe mark, or that


uses or pe"wlts its lISl' III COlllr:lVelll!OIl of the regulaliol1.' Il'lel" eel to ::1


(::)(11) or


he uses or permits n s lise ill a m,lI1I1l'! liable to

deceive track circles or the pULJIIC as to the origin or allY ot her cornn:o..
characteristics of the goods or services concerned

Select target paragraph3