
inter "overnrnental organization 01 organiLatlc)[1
created by the international convention, L1nless
authorized by the competent authority ofthat Stare 01

Appucauou (Of


t v)

It'lt IS Identical with, or COlllllSlllglv Slllllldl IU UI
consuiutes a translation 01 d mark 01 trade n.um:
which IS well known in Liberia 1'01 idcm ical or Similar
or services ofanother cnierunsc. orilu i., willk novvn am! registered III Liberia ror glleJdS or SI'rVICCS
which are not identical or sunilar tu those III resl'ect o:
which registration is applied for, provided, In the laue:
case, that use of the mark in relation I,) those guods ClI'
services would indicate a connection between those
guuds UI services and the owue:: of the well-klll)IVII
mark and that the Interest or' the owner 01' the wellknown mark are likely to be damaged by such lise,


ii' II 1.\ idcnucal with a mark bclunglng Iu it ciillcrcnt
!J1U!Jlll:IllI and alreadv UII ih« IZeglslcl, or wn h tile
carlic: lillllg 01 priorny dare. III respeci ott hc sallie
goods UI services or closelv rclalcd gouds UI services
of if II so nearly resembles such a mark as 1U be like!v
III deceive or cause confessu»

41,(1) The apphcauon tor Icglslralloll of mark sliall be filed wliit i hc
Registrar and shall contain a request, a reproduction of the mark and a list of
the goods or services for which registration of the mark is requested, listed
under the applicable class or classes of the International Classification It shall
be subject [0 the pavmem o! the prescribed applicauon tee
(2)(a) The application may contain a declaration claiming the priority, CIS
orovided for in the Paris Convention, of an earlier national or regional
application liled by the applicant or his predecessor In title (ill or for any State
pliny to the said convention lJI ilIIV Member ofthe world Trade Organization),
In which C,lse, i ire ReglsluJi iuav require that the applicum furnish. wnhin iln,
prescribed time 1111\1t, a copy of the earlier application, certified as COllect by
the office wirh which it was tiled
(b) the erfec: of the Scud declaration shall be ,IS provided III Ille Pam
Convenuon. lithe ReglSlrar linds that the requncmcms underthis slltJSeC1IOII
and the Regulations pertaining thereto have not been fulfilled, the said
declaration shall be considered not to have been made

(3) The applicant m.r, Withdraw the application at an, uine dUllng II,


42( 1)(a) 'r:,lC Registrar shall examine whether the application complies With
the requirements uf Secu:»: ·1 I( I) and the Regulations pertaining thereto

Regisrrauou of


(b) The Registrar shall exauune and determine whether the mark IS :1 mark
defined III SecIILllli'J(I) al1l] IS rCL;islrable under Section 40(2)(i) III ( v)

Select target paragraph3