
(-1)(a) NOIwltllstandlng subsection (:1), where a rcuucs: lias been 111:I[1e
under Section J)(5) Io: dererment of publication, UpOl1 rcgisuauon



incustrial design, neither tile rcpresem auon of tile de:ilgn IIUI' allY Ilk le,lalllll'
to the appircat.on shal: lIe upell tu public inspccuon
In IIIIS case, i!«
Registrar ',Il:i11 pLlbllSh a mcnt rou or the dcicrmcn: ot tile pLlbl,CIIIIUII 0l'lill'
industrial design ami

inronuation Identtl\'lng the Il':'ISll'I'ed II\VIICI, :IIIU
lipplication, tile Iengillufthe pellud 1<,)1 WIIICII

indicating tile tiling date LlI'lh,'

dcfcrmcn: IIIIS b,,'l'll ICljLlCSIl'd :lIld .uiv ou.cr plt'::,Clllled p:IIlIc';lillIl.'i

(b) At the exptlY olthe perlud ofdofer.nem, the IZe:glstrar shilli pLlb11S11 111'-'
registered industrial deslgl!
(c )


!JruCnlllillgs [lll

IIII:,IS ,li' :1 'I:~',';[e'l '.


Industrial :,esrl(11 durlnl( tile pelluci otdetcrrnent OI'puiJllC:ltioll shall u«
to the condition that tile

mtormauou contained III the IZeglSll.T

~IIIU III Ibe tile

relating to the applicat.on h.r» bel'll communicated to Ihe person :11:'IIII1S1 \\11\1111
the action IS broul(hl
!ZlglliS Couicrrcd


lndustri.i. lJesigns

other than the reglsleled owner shall require tile agreement or the l.ru c:

(I) The e,'\pll1l11l11UII ul'li I'eglslered industrial deSign III I.ibclia i,y

(2) For rh,' pllrpuses UIIIIIS !\C1, "Lxpluu.n iou




design means the 111<IKlllg, sellllig or IIIIPllll:llioIIIJI':III1l:lcs IIICUIplll:lllIl" Illc'
mdusuia: deslgl!
(3) Section 17(-1)('11(11 :illllil illJfJlv mutau:; IIIUI:llltiIS
-(4) The It:glslt:led owner \11' all mdusuiai design skill. III IIddllll)11 lU 1111\
otner rights,

remedies or IICIIUIlS available to hi III, nave tile Ilghl tll IIISlllUle

COlin proceedings agamst lilly person

who II1lilllges the .uduxuiul

performing wiihour his IIgreelllellt, <IllY ul' the acts leicrred to III :illilsectioll

(2) 01 whc performs acts which make it likely that infringement will occur
1.\) The registration of all

industria] design shall

be Ior a period oftive years

from the tllillg dille or the application Ior rcgistratiou

The registlal:ull m.r,

renewed 1'01' t wo further consccuuve periods or liw yellls througli the
payment llt' tlie prescribed ILtC i\ period 01' gillce' lll' SI.\ IIIUlllk,i:l:lli I),'

allowed forthe laie paviucu; otuic renewal lee ell p<lVlllell1 uflhe iJlcSlO!lbnl
(IJ) !\lIll1duSIIIIII desigil .n i cspcct uiwiuc]: LILJCIIIiIS II deslL~IIIIICd ~)I:lll',

registered bv AIZII)() bv vntuc of tile Harare Protucol, sh:tli 1I:IVl' IlIe'sall1l'
effect in Liberia as an

industrial design registered under this

I\CI, 1I1t1ess 11: 1, :

Registrar has couununicau-d to I\IUPO, III respect 01'111<.: :,ppIICilIIUII lill.'ll.'l(II,
a decision, III accordance with lillt prov.xion.: of Ihl' I'wtllelll, 11I:lt, If .:
registrauon IS made bv /\/U]>O, ih.u leglslrallun sh,111 have JIll CI'I'L'CI III

J8(1) r\ny IllleleSll.ld perSlJl1 .u.r, request I Ill' ['llllll I" Illv:tlldllle III,'
registrauon of :UI IndUSIJ'IIll clesigil

Select target paragraph3