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stocl,lng such product t("n the purpllses orllll'erins Il)1
sale, sellins or' using,

(b) when the parent has been granted in respect or a process

usinj; the process,


doing any of the acts referred to in paragraph (a) in
respect ofa product obtained directly by means of the

(3) The owner ofthe patent shall, in addition to any other rights, remedies
or actions available to him, have the right, subject to subsect ion (4) hereof and
Section 19, to institute court proceedings against any person who infringes the
patent by performing, without his agreement, any of the acts referred III In
subsection (:') or' who performs acts which makc it likely thdl inrriligenlcill
will occu:
(-1)(a) The rights under the patent shal] 110l extend

to acts in respect of articles which have been put on
the market in Liberia by the owner of the paten: 01
with his consent, 01


to the use of articles on aircraft, land vehicles or
vessels of other countries which temporarily or
accidentally enter the airspace, territory or waters or
Liberia: or


to acts done only fIJI experimental purposes relating to
a patented invention: or


to acts performed by any person who IS good faith,
before the filing 01', where priority IS claimed, the
priority date of the application on which the patent is
granted and in Liberia, was using the invention or was
making effective and serious preparations for such use

(b) The right of prior user referred to in paragraph (a)(iv) may be
transferred or devolve only together with the enterprise 01' business, or with
that part of the enterprise or business, in which the use or preparations for use
have been made
(5) A patent in respect of which Liberia IS a designated State, granted by
ARIPO by virtue of the Harare Protocol, shall have the same effect in Liberia
as a patent granted under this Act, unless the Director General has
communicated to ARIPO, in respect of tile application therefor, a decision, in
accordance with the provisions of the Protocol, that, if a patent is granted by
ARIPO, that patent shall have no effect in Liberia
18( I) Subject to subsection (2), a patent shall expire 20 year's after the tiling
date otthc applic.uion Iorthc paten!
(2) In order to maintain the patent or patent application, an annual fee
shr.l] be paid In advance to the Director General for each veal', starting one
year after the filing date of the application for grant of' the patent A period
ofgrace of ;i ': months shall be allowed for the late payment of the annual fee

Select target paragraph3