Article 27:
Individual freedoms shall be guaranteed by the law. No one shall be denied the
exercise of his/her freedom except in accordance with the law.
- Every citizen shall be presumed innocent until proven to the contrary by the law;
- The right to defence shall be guaranteed including the choice of a legal representative;
- No one shall be arrested and detained except in accordance with the law;
- There shall be no crime or sanction unless prescribed by the law;
- Preventive detention shall not last more than 72 hours and shall not be extended except on
the orders of a competent judicial body and in conformity with the law.
Article 28:
It shall be prohibited to violate anyone’s sense of morality or honour or to exert
any kind of physical or moral violence against him/her or infringe his/her dignity.
- All citizens shall be guaranteed the inviolability of their domiciles.
- Domiciles shall not be searched expect in accordance with the law and with a written
warrant issued by the competent judicial body.
Article 29:

All citizens shall have right to defend their rights before the competent judicial

Article 30:
Freedom of expression shall be guaranteed and shall be exercised in
conformity with the law.
Article 31:
The right to form associations and political parties is recognised and shall be
guaranteed after the attainment of independence.
Article 32:
Until the complete recovery of national sovereignty, the Frente POLISARIO
shall be the political framework that shall unite and mobilise politically the Sahrawis to
express their aspirations and legitimate rights to self-determination and independence and to
defend their national unity and complete the building of their independent Sahrawi State.
Article 33:
Every citizen who meets all the required legal conditions shall be eligible to
vote and be voted for.
Article 34:
Every citizen shall have the right to candidature for a public office in line with
the conditions stipulated by the law.
Article 35:

Private property shall be guaranteed and organised by the law.

Article 36:

The right to education shall be guaranteed.

- The State shall ensure the compulsory and free education and organise the educational
institutions in line with the educational legislation.
Article 37:

All citizens shall have the right to protection and healthcare.

- The State shall ensure protection and combat against diseases and epidemics
Article 38:
Having employment shall be considered a right, an obligation and an honour
for all citizens.


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