Article 19:
Holding office in the State shall not be a source of personal enrichment nor a
means to serve private interest or the interests of a group based on regionalism, nepotism or
- Such acts shall be criminalised and punishable by the law.
Article 20:
The elected Councils shall constitute the framework within which the people
shall express their will and supervise public authorities.
- The President of the Republic shall issue a decree establishing a National Committee to
oversee the political seminars and electoral processes associated with them.
Article 21:
The State shall be responsible for public order and the security of persons and
Article 22:
The Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army (ALPS) shall be the armed forces of
the State and the guarantor of national sovereignty. Its duties shall include:
- The attainment of national independence;
- The defence of national unity;
- The defence of the unity and integrity of the national territory and the protection of the
territorial and air spaces of the State as well as its territorial waters.
Article 23:
by law.
The organisation of the ALPS and the services within the army shall be defined
Article 24:
The foreign policy of the SADR shall be to:
- Defend the legitimate rights of the Sahrawi people to independence and the recovery of their
national sovereignty over the entire national territory;
- Support the peoples’ right to self-determination;
- Contribute to concretising the unity of the Maghreb where the SADR shall have its own
rightful place;
- Support the African Union in its efforts to consolidate political stability in Africa and
achieve economic complementarity among its Member States;
- Establish international peace and stability and contribute towards economic and social
development of the peoples of the world on the basis of justice and equity.
Part 2:
Constitutional Rights, Guarantees and Obligations
Chapter 1:
Constitutional Rights and Guarantees
Article 25:
All Sahrawi citizens shall enjoy the rights and freedoms recognised and
guaranteed by the Constitution without any discrimination as to ethnicity, race, colour,
gender, language, religion and political or any other opinions.
Article 26:
All citizens shall be equal before the law in terms of both protection and