(4) a brief description of any drawings;
(5) a detailed explanation of at least one embodiment of the invention; the explanation
shall in principle be accompanied by examples and references to any drawings;
(6) an indication of the way in which the invention is industrially applicable, if such
application is not clear from the description or nature of the invention.
The description of the invention must explain the invention sufficiently clearly and
completely so that a person skilled in the art may carry it out.
35. The claims shall define the subject matter of the protection sought by indicating the
technical characteristics of the invention. A claim may not, unless absolutely necessary, be
based on mere references to the description or the drawings to express the technical
characteristics of the invention.
36. The title must characterize the subject matter of the invention. It must clearly and
concisely highlight the technical designation of the invention and not include any imaginary
37. The patent application may not contain:
(1) elements or drawings which would be contrary to public order or morality if they
were published or put into practice;
(2) denigrating statements concerning goods or processes of third parties or the merits
or validity of patent applications or patents of third parties. Mere comparisons with prior art
shall not be considered denigrating as such;
(3) clearly foreign elements in the description of the invention.
A patent application may not contain any restrictions, conditions or reservations.
38. An application for a patent shall relate to one invention only or to a group of
inventions so linked as to form a single general inventive concept.
39. Before the patent is granted, upon substantiated request, the applicant or his agent
may seek the correction of mistakes in expression or transcription as well as substantive errors
detected in the documents filed.
Where the request for correction relates to the description, claims or drawings, the
correction shall be accepted only if it is so clearly called for that no other wording or image
could have been intended by the applicant.
The request for correction referred to in subparagraph 1 of this Article shall be
submitted in writing and shall include the changes proposed.
The entity responsible for industrial property must decide on the request for correction
within a time period of 15 days starting from the date on which the request was filed.
40. The owner of a patent application or his agent who holds a special authorization
may, starting from the date on which his application is filed and before the date on which the
patent is granted, withdraw his patent application through a written declaration subject to the
following conditions:
(a) if licenses or encumbrances have been entered in the National Register of Patents
referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 58 below, the declaration of withdrawal shall
be entertained only if it is accompanied by the written consent of the owners of the rights

Select target paragraph3