Section 13: (1) The following may, subject to the provisions of Section 5 above, be established upon
mere declaration against receipt:
private internal networks;
private independent networks, other than radio frequency networks, whose terminal points are less
than 300 metres apart and whose links have a capacity of less than 2 megabytes per second;
radio frequency installations that comprise exclusively low-power and short-range apparatus whose
categories shall be determined by the Administration in charge of telecommunications.
(2) The technical conditions for operating the networks and installations referred to in (b) and (c) of
sub-section 13(1) above shall be determined by the Administration in charge of telecommunications.
Section 14: Supply of telecommunications services other than those referred to in Sections 9, 10 and
11 shall be free, subject to fulfillment of the basic requirements defined in Section 3(7).
However, such services shall be subject to authorization where they use link capacities hired from
holders of the concession agreements provided for under Section 9(1).
Section 15: (1) Where the overall access capacity of the links hired is less than 2 megabytes per
second, a prior declaration shall suffice. Otherwise, the supply of telecommunications services must
be subject to a prior authorization issued by the competent authority.
(2) The declaration and the authorization provided for in Subsection (1) above are intended to:
- ensure that the service provided does not, on account of the provision of additional services and
especially the data processing involved therein, constitute a support service subject to the
authorization under the conditions as provided under Section 11 of this law;
- ascertain that such service fulfills the basic requirements.



Section 16: (1) The authorization and declaration receipts issued pursuant to the foregoing chapters
shall be personal and nontransferable. They shall be published in a journal of legal notices along with
the specifications attached thereto, if necessary.
(2) Where the holder of an authorization or a declaration receipt issued pursuant to this law fails to
fulfil the obligations imposed on him by the legal and statutory instruments, he may be served with
notification to comply thereto.
(3) Where the holder fails to comply with the notice addressed to him, he shall be liable to one of the
penalties provided for in Section 41 of this law.
Section 17: (1) The Administration in charge of telecommunications may annul the authorization or
declaration and pronounce the disqualification of its holder in the event of a decision for dissolution,
legal liquidation or bankruptcy. The said decision may or may not be accompanied by the
authorization to continue the enterprise.
(2) The holder of an authorization or of the declaration receipt shall be bound to inform the Board of
any changes occurring in the allotment of the registered capital or in the management of the

Select target paragraph3