Article 41	 Ministerial Accountability
All Ministers shall be accountable individually for the administration of their own Ministries and
collectively for the administration of the work of the Cabinet, both to the President and to

Article 42	 Outside Employment

During their tenure of office as members of the Cabinet, Ministers may not take
up any other paid employment, engage in activities inconsistent with their
positions as Ministers, or expose themselves to any situation which carries with
it the risk of a conflict developing between their interests as Ministers and their
private interests.


No members of the Cabinet shall use their positions as such or use information
entrusted to them confidentially as such members of the Cabinet, directly or
indirectly to enrich themselves.

Article 43	 Secretary to the Cabinet

There shall be a Secretary to the Cabinet who shall be appointed by the President
and who shall perform such functions as may be determined by law and such
functions as are from time to time assigned to the Secretary by the President or
the Prime Minister. Upon appointment by the President, the Secretary shall be
deemed to have been appointed to such office on the recommendation of the
Public Service Commission.


The Secretary to the Cabinet shall also serve as a depository of the records,
minutes and related documents of the Cabinet.


The National Assembly
Article 44	 Legislative Power
The legislative power of Namibia shall be vested in the National Assembly with the power to
pass laws with the assent of the President as provided in this Constitution subject, where
applicable, to the powers and functions of the National Council as set out in this Constitution.

Article 45	 Representative Nature
The members of the National Assembly shall be representative of all the people and shall in
the performance of their duties be guided by the objectives of this Constitution, by the public
interest and by their conscience.
Ta ble of Conten ts	


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