Article 40 Duties and Functions
The members of the Cabinet shall have the following functions:
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to direct, co-ordinate and supervise the activities of Ministries and
Government departments including para-statal enterprises, and to review
and advise the President and the National Assembly on the desirability and
wisdom of any prevailing subordinate legislation, regulations or orders
pertaining to such para-statal enterprises, regard being had to the public
to initiate bills for submission to the National Assembly;
to formulate, explain and assess for the National Assembly the budget of
the State and its economic development plans and to report to the National
Assembly thereon;
to carry out such other functions as are assigned to them by law or are
incidental to such assignment;
to attend meetings of the National Assembly and to be available for the
purposes of any queries and debates pertaining to the legitimacy, wisdom,
effectiveness and direction of Government policies;
to take such steps as are authorised by law to establish such economic
organisations, institutions and para-statal enterprises on behalf of the State
as are directed or authorised by law;
to formulate, explain and analyse for the members of the National Assembly
the goals of Namibian foreign policy and its relations with other States and
to report to the National Assembly thereon;
to formulate, explain and analyse for the members of the National Assembly
the directions and content of foreign trade policy and to report to the
National Assembly thereon;
to assist the President in determining what international agreements are to
be concluded, acceded to or succeeded to and to report to the National
Assembly thereon;
to advise the President on the state of national defence and the
maintenance of law and order and to inform the National Assembly thereon;
to issue notices, instructions and directives to facilitate the implementation
and administration of laws administered by the Executive, subject to the
terms of this Constitution or any other law;
to remain vigilant and vigorous for the purposes of ensuring that the
scourges of apartheid, tribalism and colonialism do not again manifest
themselves in any form in a free and independent Namibia and to protect
and assist disadvantaged citizens of Namibia who have historically been the
victims of these pathologies.