Article 46	 Composition


The composition of the National Assembly shall be as follows:

seventy-two (72) members to be elected by the registered voters by
general, direct and secret ballot. Every Namibian citizen who has the
qualifications described in Article 17 hereof shall be entitled to vote in the
elections for members of the National Assembly and, subject to Article 47
hereof, shall be eligible for candidature as a member of the National


not more than six (6) persons appointed by the President under Article
32(5)(c) hereof, by virtue of their special expertise, status, skill or
experience: provided that such members shall have no yote in the National
Assembly, and shall not be taken into account for the purpose of
determining any specific majorities that are required under this Constitution
or any other law.

Subject to the principles referred to in Article 49 hereof, the members of the
National Assembly referred to in Sub-Article (1)(a) hereof shall be elected in
accordance with procedures to be determined by Act of Parliament.

Article 47	 Disqualification of Members

No persons may become members of the National Assembly if they:

have at any time after Independence been convicted of any offence in
Namibia, or outside Namibia if such conduct would have constituted an
offence within Namibia, and for which they have been sentenced to death
or to imprisonment of more than twelve (12) months without the option of
a fine, unless they have received a free pardon or unless such
imprisonment has expired at least ten (10) years before the date of their
election; or


have at any time prior to Independence been convicted of an offence, if
such conduct would have constituted an offence within Namibia after
Independence, and for which they have been sentenced to death or to
imprisonment of more than twelve (12) months without the option of a fine,
unless they have received a free pardon or unless such imprisonment has
expired at least ten (10) years before the date of their election: provided
that no person sentenced to death or imprisonment for acts committed in
connection with the struggle for the independence of Namibia shall be
disqualified under this Sub-Article from being elected as a member of the
National Assembly; or

(c) 	 are unrehabilitated insolvents; or

Ta ble of Conten ts	


are of unsound mind and have been so declared by a competent Court: or


are remunerated members of the public service of Namibia; or


are members of the National Council, Regional Councils or Local


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