The Cabinet
Article 35 Composition
The Cabinet shall consist of the President, the Prime Minister and such other
Ministers as the President may appoint from the members of the National
Assembly, including members nominated under Article 46(1)(b) hereof, for the
purposes of administering and executing the functions of the Government.
The President may also appoint a Deputy-Prime Minister to perform such
functions as may be assigned to him or her by the President or the Prime
The President or, in his or her absence, the Prime Minister or other Minister
designated for this purpose by the President, shall preside at meetings of the
Article 36 Functions of the Prime Minister
The Prime Minister shall be the leader of Government business in Parliament, shall
co-ordinate the work of the Cabinet and shall advise and assist the President in the execution
of the functions of Government.
Article 37 Deputy-Ministers
The President may appoint from the members of the National Assembly, including members
nominated under Article 46(1)(b) hereof, and the National Council such Deputy-Ministers as
he or she may consider expedient, to exercise or perform on behalf of Ministers any of the
powers, functions and duties which may have been assigned to such Ministers.
Article 38 Oath or Affirmation
Before assuming office, a Minister or Deputy-Minister shall make and subscribe to an oath or
solemn affirmation before the President or a person designated by the President for this
purpose, in the terms set out in Schedule 2 hereof.
Article 39 Vote of No Confidence
The President shall be obliged to terminate the appointment of any member of the Cabinet,
if the National Assembly by a majority of all its members resolves that it has no confidence in
that member.
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