
All appointments made and actions taken under Sub-Articles (3),(4),(5),(6) and
(7) hereof shall be announced by the President by Proclamation in the Gazette.


Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and save where this Constitution
otherwise provides, any action taken by the President pursuant to any power
vested in the President by the terms of this Article shall be capable of being
reviewed, reversed or corrected on such terms as are deemed expedient and
proper should there be a resolution proposed by at least one-third of all the
members of the National Assembly and passed by a two-thirds majority of all the
members of the National Assembly disapproving any such action and resolving
to review, reverse or correct it.


Notwithstanding the review, reversal or correction of any action in terms of
Sub-Article (9) hereof, all actions performed pursuant to any such action during
the period preceding such review, reversal or correction shall be deemed to be
valid and effective in law, until and unless Parliament otherwise enacts.

Article 33	 Remuneration
Provision shall be made by Act of Parliament for the payment out of the State Revenue Fund
of remuneration and allowances for the President, as well as for the payment of pensions to
former Presidents and, in the case of their deaths, to their surviving spouses.

Article 34	 Succession


Ta ble of Conten ts	

If the office of President becomes vacant or if the President is otherwise unable
to fulfil the duties of the office, the following persons shall in the order provided
for in this Sub-Article act as President for the unexpired portion of the President's
term of office or until the President is able to resume office, whichever is the

the Prime Minister;


the Deputy-Prime Minister;


a person appointed by the Cabinet.

Where it is regarded as necessary or expedient that a person deputise for the
President because of a temporary absence from the country or because of
pressure of work, the President shall be entitled to nominate any person
enumerated in Sub-Article (1) hereof to deputise for him or her in respect of such
specific occasions or such specific matters and for such specific periods as in his
or her discretion may be considered wise and expedient, subject to consultation
with the Cabinet.


Select target paragraph3