The President shall also have the power, subject to this Constitution, to appoint:
on the recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission:
(aa) the Chief Justice, the Judge-President of the High Court and other
Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court;
(bb) the Ombudsman;
(cc) the Prosecutor-General;
on the recommendation of the Public Service Commission:
(aa) the Auditor-General;
(bb) the Governor and the Deputy-Governor of the Central Bank;
on the recommendation of the Security Commission:
(aa) the Chief of the Defence Force;
(bb) the Inspector-General of Police;
(cc) the Commissioner of Prisons.
Subject to the provisions of this Constitution dealing with the signing of any laws
passed by Parliament and the promulgation and publication of such laws in the
Gazette, the President shall have the power to:
sign and promulgate any Proclamation which by law he or she is entitled to
proclaim as President;
initiate, in so far as he or she considers it necessary and expedient, laws for
submission to and consideration by the National Assembly;
appoint as members of the National Assembly but without any vote therein,
not more than six (6) persons by virtue of their special expertise, status, skill
or experience.
Subject to the provisions of this Constitution or any other law, any person
appointed by the President pursuant to the powers vested in him or her by this
Constitution or any other law may be removed by the President by the same
process through which such person was appointed.
Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and of any other law of application
in this matter, the President may, in consultation with the Cabinet and on the
recommendation of the Public Service Commission:
Ta ble of Conten ts
constitute any office in the public service of Namibia not otherwise provided
for by any other law;
appoint any person to such office,
determine the tenure of any person so appointed as well as the terms and
conditions of his or her service.