all acts necessary, expedient, reasonable and incidental to the discharge of the
executive functions of the Government, subject to the overriding terms of this
Constitution and the laws of Namibia, which he or she is constitutionally obliged
to protect, to administer and to execute.
In accordance with the responsibility of the executive branch of Government to
the legislative branch, the President and the Cabinet shall each year dur ing the
consideration of the official budget attend Parliament. During such session the
President shall address Parliament on the state of the nation and on the future
policies of the Government, shall report on the policies of the previous year and
shall be available to respond to questions.
Without derogating from the generality of the functions and powers contemplated
by Sub-Article (1) hereof, the President shall preside over meetings of the Cabinet
and shall have the power, subject to this Constitution to:
dissolve the National Assembly by Proclamation in the circumstances
provided for in Article 57(1) hereof;
determine the times for the holding of special sessions of the National
Assembly, and to prorogue such sessions;
accredit, receive and recognise ambassadors, and to appoint ambassadors,
plenipotentiaries, diplomatic representatives and other diplomatic officers,
consuls and consular officers;
pardon or reprieve offenders, either unconditionally or subject to such
conditions as the President may deem fit;
negotiate and sign international agreements, and to delegate such power;
declare martial law or, if it is necessary for the defence of the nation,
declare that a state of national defence exists: provided that this power shall
be exercised subject to the terms of Article 26(7) hereof;
establish and dissolve such Government departments and ministries as the
President may at any time consider to be necessary or expedient for the
good government of Namibia;
confer such honours as the President considers appropriate on citizens,
residents and friends of Namibia in consultation with interested and relevant
persons and institutions;
appoint the following persons:
(aa) the Prime Minister;
(bb) Ministers and Deputy-Ministers;
(cc) the Attorney-General;
(dd) the Director-General of Planning;
(ee) any other person or persons who are required by any other provision
of this Constitution or any other law to be appointed by the President.
Ta ble of Conten ts