Article 30	 Oath or Affirmation
Before formally assuming office, a President-elect shall make the following oath or affirmation
which shall be administered by the Chief Justice or a Judge designated by the Chief Justice
for this purpose:
“l, .................................... do hereby swear/solemnly affirm,

That I will strive to the best of my ability to uphold, protect and defend as the
Supreme Law the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, and faithfully to obey,
execute and administer the laws of the Republic of Namibia;
That I will protect the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and the
material and spiritual resources of the Republic of Namibia; and
That I will endeavour to the best of my ability to ensure justice for all the
inhabitants of the Republic of Namibia.
(in the case of an oath) 

So help me God."

Article 31	 Immunity from Civil and Criminal Proceedings

No person holding the office of President or performing the functions of President
may be sued in any civil proceedings save where such proceedings concern an
act done in his or her official capacity as President.


No person holding the office of President shall be charged with any criminal
offence or be amenable to the criminal jurisdiction of any Court in respect of any
act allegedly performed, or any omission to perform any act, during his or her
tenure of office as President.


After a President has vacated that office:

no Court may entertain any action against him or her in any civil
proceedings in respect of any act done in his or her official capacity as


a civil or criminal Court shall only have jurisdiction to entertain proceedings
against him or her, in respect of acts of commission or omission alleged to
have been perpetrated in his or her personal capacity whilst holding office
as President, if Parliament by resolution has removed the President on the
grounds specified in this Constitution and if a resolution is adopted by
Parliament resolving that any such proceedings are justified in the public
interest notwithstanding any damage such proceedings might cause to the
dignity of the office of President.

Article 32	 Functions, Powers and Duties

Ta ble of Conten ts	

As the Head of State, the President shall uphold, protect and defend the
Constitution as the Supreme Law, and shall perform with dignity and leadership

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