b) Printing and issuance of postage stamps and philatelic materials; and
c) Provision of private letterboxes and street posting boxes.
The non- exclusive and competitive services, which are provided mainly by the private sectors include
the following:


Courier services;
Parcel services;
Direct mail marketing services;
Postal financial services;
Electronic and hybrid mail;
Distribution of publications; and
Agency services.

Market Structure

The policy focus is on creating an environment that attracts increased investments in the sector and
allows the development of postal infrastructure and services that support national development goals.
The postal market is divided into the exclusive and non-exclusive market segments.
9.3.1 Exclusive Services
The Postal Corporation of Kenya will provide the following services on an exclusive basis:
a) Delivery of letters, postcards, printed paper and small packets with weights up to a maximum
of 350grams. This limit will be reviewed in line with prevailing economic and market
conditions and any variations published in the Kenya Gazette;
b) Printing and issuance of postage stamps and philatelic materials; and
c) Provision of private letter boxes and street posting boxes.
d) Standards and other conditions will be prescribed for universal service provision.
9.3.2 Non-Exclusive Services
Non-exclusive services will include:
Courier services;
Parcel services;
Direct mail marketing services;
Postal financial services;
Electronic and hybrid mail;
Distribution of publications; and
Agency services. Courier Services
The need for a faster and more efficient means of goods delivery has been growing and requires same
day or overnight delivery. The Government recognizes that the growth of the courier segment has
traditionally been driven by private sector. Operators in this market segment are required to be
licensed. Parcel Services
The parcel distribution market caters for all postal material falling outside the definition of a letter.
Private sector operators currently serve only the high volume, short distance, low unit cost routes.
The Government will promote private investment in this segment. This market segment is therefore,
open for competition.

Select target paragraph3